Ciara Heads To Europe - Ciara Post
Ask Ciara what to expect from her new album, and she’ll tell you it’s “intense.” Sure, there are some of the same effervescent goodies — “I sprinkle in the pop,” says the 23-year-old songstress — but on “Fantasy Ride,” out Tuesday, Ciara (full name: Ciara Princess Harris) is showing off her adult side. “I’m much more aggressive, more confident — I’m definitely in my woman stage now,” she says. “It also shares a bit more of my sensual side.”
Her tour is circus-themed. What’s the craziest thing you’ll do onstage? Shoot out of a canon?
One time I had to have my guys toss me up in the air and land on the ground with a big “boom” ending. It’s the craziest feeling because you’re flying, just going for it, but it’s all about how you control yourself when you land. I said I’d never do it again, but I’ll be honest with you, I’m so down for that. The combination of Britney and I is going to be like going through an amusement park.
What are your tour plans for the summer?
After the promo run, I’ll be taking off to tour with Britney in the U.K. — I’ll be doing some things with her in the U.K., Germany and some other places, then I keep on tour from there and come to the U.S. So it’s a mixture of partying — ooh, not partying [laughs] — a mixture of touring there and the U.S., all in one.