Facebook: How To Add Friends a Tips by Jan M.

Tips on How To Add Friends on Facebook

It seems like everyone is talking about Facebook and Twitter these days. So are these "social media" sites useless or are they really a good way to build your business?

The good news is that Facebook are proven ways to build your online business and develop relationships.

The most popular way to use Facebook is to set up a personal profile with lots of your details and become friends with everyone you've ever known. And, add lots that you dont know.

Focus on building a network of quality Facebook friends.

The real power of Facebook is found in what is called, "the news feed". Every activity and action you take inside of Facebook is relayed to everyone in your network (i.e. your friends) and this can spread virally.

The best way to use the power of the news feed is to share video and photos of your bootcamps and personal training. This will alert all of your Facebook friends, and if one of them watches your video, it will alert all of their friends that they are watching your video. That's how your video can spread between networks and will attract high quality connections back to you.

You can also get high quality friends by creating a Facebook group. For example, if you live in Ft. Worth, TX, you might start a Dallas/Ft. Worth Facebook group, and invite everyone in that area who lists this as their home to join your group. This is a great way to build quality friends and you can then have a conversation about what is going on in the area with those people, and eventually turn them to the topic of your training.

Each day you should add up to 30-50 new friends. For everyone that signs up for your group, you could go through their friend list and "add/friend" everyone from their list.

However, always focus on building relationships first, and don't be too overly obvious with marketing your business or always asking people to buy or signup for training or bootcamps. Instead, just be friends and become a trusted expert to your Facebook network. Once folks trust you, they will be happy and eager to pay for your services.

Finally, you can also use Facebook is to start a Fan Page. This might sound silly, but if you run a bootcamp in Dallas/Ft. Worth with 50 members who also use Facebook, then you should start a Fan Page devoted to your bootcamp and invite all of your members to join. This way, you can communicate directly to those fans without having to go through email (and therefore you don't have to worry about annoying spam filters).

Plus, building a Fan Page will get indexed by Google, and folks searching for "Dallas/Ft. Worth Bootcamp" on Google will have a good chance of coming across your Facebook Fan Page.

Just remember to put important relevant keywords in the title of your Facebook Fan Page. Building a Fan Page is one of the fastest ways to get business boosting results with Facebook.

Even though that sounds like a lot of work, you only need to spend 10 minutes a day on Facebook. Log in, post a picture, update your status, add a video, and tell your friends to check it out.

That's it.

Soon you'll have a full bootcamp and you'll be making money working just a few hours per day and having lots of fun.

Jan Middleton

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